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Modified 23-May-24
38 photos

060321 Canon EF100mm f/2.8 Macro USM on Canon EOS 5D060409_0899_5D RGB Color060415_0914_5D Hyacinth060415_0917_5D Grape Hyacinth060415_0926_5D Violas060507_1080_5D Lillies of the Valley060528_1229_5D Gazania060528_1232_5D Dahlia060528_1235_5D Gazania060731_1255_5D Cherry Tomato Vine060915_1323_5D Little Italy071006_2416_5D Orb Weaver080706_2544_5D Azalea080706_2554_5D Morning Glory090614_2821_5D Mushrooms090614_2827_5D Dalhlia090722_2890_5D Norfolk Botanical Garden090722_2910_5D Iris 'Petite Polka'090722_2912_5D Spider Lily090722_2938_5D Aphrodite Fritillary on Lantana