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Modified 25-Aug-24
87 photos

200613_02260_A7RIV A Mockingbird, Mimus polyglottos, Searches for a Late Day Meal Over Our Spring Gardens230326_08009_A7RIV A White Breasted Nuthatch, Sitta carolinensis, at Westmoreland Sanctuary in Early Spring 2023220608_06828_A7RIV A Tree Swallow Outside its Nest on Westmoreland Sanctuary's Bechtel Lake180411_1759_EOS M5 Tree Swallows Find a Home in the Fields of Rockefeller Preserve190601_4811_EOS M5 A Female Bluebird Guards Her Bird House Nest in the Meadows of Westmoreland Sanctuary220404_06306_A7RIV A Common Ground Dove, Columbina passerina, at Westmoreland Sanctuary190902_6448_EOS M5 A Catbird, Dumetella carolinensis, Calls Out in Our Late Summer Gardens220625_06977_A7RIV A Catbird in the Big Spruce in the Morning Light of Our Summer Gardens200531_02089_A7RIV A Newborn's Dilemma - Ouch, that hurt. OK, I'm Out of the Nest, NOW WHAT?210226_03511_A7RIV An American Tree Sparrow, Spizella Arborea, at Croton Point in Winter220131_05855_A7RIV A Lincoln's Sparrow, Melospiza lincolnii, at Steamboat Waterfront200712_02552_A7RIV A Chipping Sparrow, Spizella passerina, In Our Summer Gardens220305_06117_A7RIV An American Woodcock, Scolopax minor, a Sandpiper Far from the Shore, Forages in Our Winter Gardens230326_08007_A7RIV A Dark Eyed Junco, Junco hyemalis, at Westmoreland Sanctuary in Early Spring 2023200217_01415_A7RIV A Vibrant Red House Finch, Carpodacus mexicanus, at Croton Point200526_02057_A7RIV A Red House Finch, Carpodacus mexicanus, in Our Spring Gardens220518_06630_A7RIV A Baltimore Oriole, Icterus galbula, at Westmoreland Sanctuary220518_06633_A7RIV A Baltimore Oriole, Icterus galbula, at Westmoreland Sanctuary180423_1908_EOS M5 A Red Winged Blackbird Sings in the Morning Sun at Teatown190515_4593_EOS M5 A Male Red Winged Blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus, at Teatown