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Modified 27-Aug-24
120 photos

051214_0023_5D Turkey Vulture060326_0848_5D Robin060326_0850_5D Mockingbird060326_0851_5D Mockingbird060415_0914_5D Hyacinth060415_0917_5D Grape Hyacinth060415_0926_5D Violas060430_1005_5D Robin060502_1016_5D Bee in Flight060507_1080_5D Lillies of the Valley060528_1229_5D Gazania060528_1235_5D Gazania060528_1232_5D Dahlia060731_1255_5D Cherry Tomato Vine071006_2416_5D Orb Weaver080609_2537_5D Born This Morning at 4 AM080706_2544_5D Azalea080706_2554_5D Morning Glory090614_2821_5D Mushrooms090614_2827_5D Dalhlia

Guestbook for The Flora and Fauna of Our Gardens 2005-2015
Edward Michael Lach
Thank you for your kind remarks. We truly enjoy the beauty of Nature in the gardens surrounding our home and love to share it with others as well.
Tom Garrett(non-registered)
WOW! You sure know how to shoot flowers. Your shots certainly display your photographic knowledge and abilities.
Edward Michael Lach
I have always enjoyed your floral images my friend, with their beautiful style and presentation. I thought about them when creating this gallery. I really appreciate your kind thoughts and becoming one of the first members of my new website.
Murry Grigsby
Three guesses what my favorite gallery is and the first two don't count :0) Your garden images are beautiful! Your flower portraits have great character and colors. Thanks for sharing your "vision" and considerable knowledge. Now I need to check out your videos.
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